Closed for holidays!!!

At last summer holidays!!!

Here comes summer, here comes the sun!
School is out! Oh, happy days!
Enjoy your summer holidays wherever you are, kids!
See you in September!

Kisses and Hugs!

Rosa goes to the city

Yesterday we attended grade four's theater play "Animaladas". We were impressed by the grade 4 student's performance! Today, in English class, we are talking about what happened in the play. To go along with this topic, we are watching a story called "Rosa goes to the city".Rosa is a baby elephant who wants freedom from her cage, just like the animals in Animaladas. We enjoyed making comparisons between the two stories: in both stories, the animals dream being free to move around in open space, and in both, the zookeepers let them out of the zoo, and their dreams of freedom come true!


Make a Blue Splash

Summer it’s coming. Long days. Lots of sun. Warm weather, getting hotter. Already thinking about how to keep cool?
 Make a Blue Splash: READ

What time is it?

Material makes the difference

Lovely owl's story!

Art and sand

Let's try this new idea for creating beautiful sand images.First, you click the picture and it will appear a grey screan.If you click the small square on the top left corner you will see the instructions and the symbols to erase, change colours and so on. Enjoy this "new" technology!
How do you like this material?

Let's review numbers!

Revision prepositions

Can you play football?

Gogo's revision

Word game

Phonetics (short u)

Julia and the big wave

Can I play?

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Summer is coming soon!

We have started our last unit and it is about the beach. But what do you know about the beach? Watch this video and you will get some information .
 and now, let's see if you can match the words with the pictures.

The months

Can or can't

Time of the day

Action words

Phonetics ( short o )

Sun safe play everyday!

Let's play with Clifford!

The weather is fine and the park is waiting for all of you.However, if you are bored at home may be you can play with Clifford, our lovely red pet.

Seasons, music and songs

Four seasons and more

Four Seasons Game

Four seasons

Day and night

Solar system

Té Mi Gordy

Mercado de la Cebada, Puestos 33 - 34
Plaza de la Cebada, 1

28005 Madrid
Barrio: La Latina

En este lugar encontré toda la información para nuestra actividad y la señora de la foto me ayudó a escoger los diferentes tés que hemos olido ¡qué difícil elegir el preferido con esos olores tan estupendos! ¿Quién es Gordy? La mascota de la dueña, la perrita blanca de la parte superior de la foto.  

Tea Party

Finalmente organizamos nuestro Afternoon Tea con estupendas galletas que gustaron a todos. ¿Qué sucedió con el té? Algunos confesaron que les gustaba, otros encontraron que era agua caliente sin encanto.Utilizamos Rooibos que no es un té, sino una infusión extraída de un arbusto africano. De sus hojas y ramas se obtiene esta tisana de larga tradición en las regiones cercanas a Ciudad de Cabo, en Sudáfrica.Entre sus magníficas propiedades está la de ser adecuado para niños ya que no tiene excitantes.

Four Seasons

Saint Isidro's Day

Enjoy this cultural celebration, many things are going on in Madrid!!! 

Tea pot song

I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout

When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
"Tip me over
and pour me out!"

I'm a clever teapot,
Yes it's true
Here let me show you
What I can do
I can change my handle
And my spout
Just tip me over and pour me out!

Tea time

This week we have been looking at tea time. We have had two teachers from England with us so we have been learning all about their customs - and how much they love tea! We have learnt all about the tea plant, and how to make a good cup of tea. We have also sent out invitations to our own tea party which we´ll be having next week.

Mother's Day

Hi kids! How are you doing in this Mother's Day? I got tulips too and they look beautiful.However, I prefer to see the flowers in the fields.Tomorrow you will tell me how was the big, big weekend.

Wall tile

This is our Book Day project with all the sentences in a very creative way. It's located at the theatre and it's worthwhile a visit!

Decorating landscapes!


The Netherlands and the water

Hoy ha tenido lugar la presentación de los Países Bajos y el Agua con motivo de la celebración del Día Mundial del Agua que ha tenido lugar en La Haya. La Señora Marie-Jeanne de Van Rij, esposa del Embajador de los Países Bajos en España, nos ha acercado a su país, sus gentes y los retos que han forjado su espíritu. También hemos disfrutado del cuento neerlandés "The cow who fell in the canal". Ha sido una experienvia maravillosa y una actividad que complementa de una forma muy especial a  nuestro proyecto Blue Splash!

The windmill

Hi kids! Our "chuchurrío" windmill is now a beautiful one.
Los molinos, cuando están parados, no tienen las aspas (paddles) en la misma posición.Motivos de alegría o de pena y duelo se representan de diferente forma. En esa posición informaría de un suceso alegre ( un cumpleaños, unas buenas notas, un nacimiento...) Además, se adornan para celebrar ciertos acontecimientos así  que he pensado que  sobre las cuerdas que unen las aspas colocaremos algunos adornos para celebrar el Book Day.Y, naturalmente, el molino luce orgulloso los colores de la bandera nacional, Países Bajos.

Dutch Corner

Nuestra biblioteca de aula ha sido reconvertida por unas semanas en el Dutch Corner  gracias  a los  fondos de la Biblioteca de Alcobendas con quienes hemos realizado un préstamo colectivo. Estos recursos, en inglés y español, nos sirven para preparar el que será el evento central del proyecto Blue Splash! y que tendrá lugar el 23 de abril."Los Países Bajos y el Agua"

Means of transport

I plan to go from Madrid to The Netherlands . What can I do? I can travel by ...


Spring fashion trends

Glamour in our story model! The cows are more than great and Hendrika got her wardrobe ready for spring with a hand made hat.And she looks like a model!

The hole in the dike

This week we read a story called, "The Hole in the Dike."
The story is about a Dutch boy who saves his country by putting his finger in a leaking dike. The boy stays there all night, in spite of the cold, until the adults of the village find him and make the necessary repairs."

This tale teaches us that if we act quickly and in time, even children  with our  limited strength and resources can avert disasters.

Our creative tile!


The hole in the dike

This week we read a story called, "The Hole in the Dike."
The story is about a Dutch boy who saves his country by putting his finger in a leaking dike. The boy stays there all night, in spite of the cold, until the adults of the village find him and make the necessary repairs."

This tale teaches us that if we act quickly and in time, even children  with our  limited strength and resources can avert disasters.

Mario's jungle

Water Song

Who am I ?

Our neighbourhood

 ¡Enhorabuena Silvia! Un trabajo excelente que nos servirá para conocer mejor nuestro barrio. 
Ahora sabemos, por ejemplo, que hay cuatro bancos y la pregunta es saber donde se encuentran...
Where are they?

Wild animals

People in the town

People work

Phonetics (short a )

Animal song

My neighbourhood

Hi kids! The weather is wonderful and I just want to tell you that our neighbourhood is the topic for these days.I recommend a walk to see what we have.

 He pretendido hacer una pequeña historieta para animar nuestra tarea de fin de semana. ¿Quienes son esos personajes? Tal vez ...

The elephant song

I like animals

How does your seed grow?

Una imagen vale más que mil palabras. Lentejas, judias pintas y garbanzos han sido las semillas elegidas por los niños. Salma ha conseguido sorprendernos a todos con su planta. ¡Enhorabuena! La judía pinta está encantada en la maceta rosa con tierra abundante y buenos cuidados!

Places in my neighborhood